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Overcoming Hip and Knee Pain

Hip and knee pain can be debilitating. Your hips and knees are two of the most important weight-bearing joints in your body, so they are subject to constant pressure. Pain in these regions can be caused by a variety of factors, including bruises, injuries, and medical conditions like arthritis. Thankfully, you are not completely helpless in this situation. Instead, there are several things you can do on your own to help alleviate the pain.


The simplest thing to do to relieve pain in your hip and knee is to rest as often as possible. Sitting or lying down for extended periods of time can take the stress off of your affected joints and allow them to undergo their natural healing processes.

Weight Loss

Excess weight also puts additional pressure on your hip and knee. Losing a few pounds can help take the stress off of your weight-bearing joints, such as your hip and knee. Even just five pounds of weight loss can go a long way towards relieving pressure on your joints, alleviating some pain, and increasing your mobility in the process.


If your joints are locking up under pressure, you can loosen them up by doing simple stretches. These are especially useful if your pain is coming from a pinched nerve. Be sure only to stretch gently, since abrupt or jerky movements can jostle your joints and cause further irritation. But if you keep your stretches slow and gentle, you can help ease your hip and knee into better shape.

Yoga and Tai Chi

Similar to stretching, yoga and Tai Chi are both known to have extensive benefits for hip and knee pain. These traditional exercises feature meditation, deep breathing, and gentle stretching, which makes them an excellent way to reduce stress on both your mind and body.

Ice Compressions

If you notice inflammation on your hip or knee, you can help reduce that by applying ice. You can use something like a bag of frozen peas or simply a plastic bag that contains ice. Whatever you choose to do, applying ice to your affected areas can reduce swelling and help quell the pain.

Hip and Knee Injections

If these at-home treatments aren’t helping enough, you can call Joint Pain Orthopedics for hip and knee injections. Injections are medications inserted directly into your knee or hip joints to reduce internal inflammation, which can lead to extended pain relief in the long term. If you need more intensive care for your hip or knee pain but don’t need surgery, injections are an excellent choice.

Why Joint Pain Orthopedics?

If any of the above remedies aren’t getting the results you want, you need expert replacement help. For hip and knee replacement Austin area residents can trust, Joint Pain Orthopedics is the best choice. Our friendly and knowledgeable care team has years of experience working with knee and hip replacements, and we’re dedicated to getting your health back on track.

Get Started Today

Don’t let your pain put your life on hold any longer. With the knee and hip replacement Austin area patients depend on, we’re eager to bring peace to your joint pain. Contact us to speak with a member of our care team to schedule your free consultation.

  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • American Society for Surgery of the Hand
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